Hazrat sultan bahu |Trimmu Barrage | Part Two
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Sultan Bahu (Punjabi: سُلطان باہُو; also spelled Bahoo; ca 1630–1691) was a Sufi mystic, poet, and scholar active during the Mughal empire mostly in the Punjab region (present-day Pakistan). He belonged to Qadiri Sufi order, and founded the mystic tradition known as Sarwari Qadiri.Little is known about Bahu's life, other than what is written in a hagiography called Manaqib-i Sultani, which was written by one of Bahu's descendants seven generations after Bahu's own time.
Sultan Bahu's father was Bayazid Muhammad, who was an Army Officer in the Mughal Army. Sultan Bahu was born in Shorekot, Jhang, in the current Punjab Province of Pakistan. He belonged to Awan Tribe.More than forty books on Sufism are attributed to him (mostly written in Persian), largely dealing with specialised aspects of Islam and Islamic mysticism. He lived during the reigns of Mughal emperors Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb in the 17th century.
However, it was his Punjabi poetry which had popular appeal and earned him lasting fame.His verses are sung in many genres of Sufi music, including qawwali and kafi, and tradition has established a unique style of singing his couplets.
Trimmu Barrage is a barrage on the River Chenab in the Jhang District of the Punjab province of Pakistan. It is situated downstream of the confluence of the River Jhelum and River Chenab. It is situated some 25 km from the city of Jhang near the city of Atharan Hazari where the River Jhelum flows into the River Chenab
Trimmu Barrage is used to control water flow into the River Chenab for irrigation and flood control purposes.
Trimmu Barrage was constructed between 1937 and 1939 by English engineers. Its name was changed later. Primarily as a flood control mechanism to protect the city of Jhang from floods. The arched grid iron's bridge section is integrated with several protective bands. This barrage is undergone several Upgradation like new gates construction, previous gates maintaince. LTV is allowed at specific hours while HTV is Completely ban till completion of Barrage 30 June 2020.
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