John F Hunt Regeneration starts work at Ironbridge Power Station
We are working for Harworth Group plc to help them regenerate this former power station. Once complete, this beautiful site will provide 1000 new homes for the local region.
Located less than a mile from the Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site, the development is bordered by the River Severn to the north and an extensive area of ancient woodland to the south, providing a dramatic backdrop for a new community.
In addition to new homes, plans for the development include a retirement village, up to 200,000 sq. ft of employment space comprising offices and light industrial units, and a local centre offering convenience retail and other services. Community amenities will include a new primary school, allotments and sports pitches, while the former power station’s 1930's pumphouse will be retained and transformed into a flexible space for community and leisure uses.
The development is expected to be complete by 2030.